About Us
Vunani’s core mission

100% Organic
The Vunani small-scale model is highly scalable by training a large number of small scale farmers and supporting produce aggregation to access international markets
Vunani Model
Introducing intensive small-scaling production including hass avocados, dragon fruit, honey, rabbits, fish, chilli, gooseberry and assorted horticultural products.
Vunani is establishing long-term relationships via ethical contracting with its small-scale farmers to purchase their produce for local and export markets. We are alo supporting its contracted farmer cohort with extension support and ongoing training to assist them achieve optimal production and returns on their farms.
Vunani is offering small-scale farmers:
- support with the logistics to reduce quality deterioration and post-harvest losses
- competitive prices for their produce and prompt payments to resolve cashflow squeeze
- advise on the status on international markets including quality requirements, harvest timing, supply and demand management
- training and extension support to lift quality, quantity and consistency
Vunani is establishing a credible, long-term export markets through its existing international networks and will export produce directly to increase farmer returns.