Vunani AgriVentures LTD

An integrated agricultural company applying sustainable production techniques

Vunani AgriVentures LTD

Developing local and export markets for Hass avocados, dragon fruit, cape gooseberry, hot chilli and selected horticultural produce

Vunani AgriVentures LTD

Developing local and export markets for Hass avocados, dragon fruit, cape gooseberry, hot chilli and selected horticultural produce

Vunani AgriVentures LTD

Farmer outgrowing projects in the production of dragon fruit, avocado hot chilli, gooseberry and beekeeping

Vunani AgriVentures Limited is an integrated agricultural company applying sustainable production techniques that balance both ecological and economic imperatives.

We are offering consumers produce traceability by implementing transparent production processes across all our operations.

Vunani is growing, marketing and developing local and export markets for hass avocados, dragon fruit, cape gooseberry, hot chili and selected horticultural produce. This includes supporting and aggregating small-scale farmers’ produce to access markets efficiently.

Our commercial rabbitry, integrated aquaculture and epiculture complement our complete ecosystem-based approach to sustainable farming.

Vunani Agriventures operations are located in Nyeri County, Kenya about 150km north of the capital, Nairobi. Nyeri is an important agricultural and administrative town in central Kenya.

Nyeri, located on the equator is situated on the western slopes of Africa’s second highest peak, Mt Kenya on an elevation of about 5,750 feet (1,750 metres). It is nestled between the foothills of the sprawling Aberdare Ranges to the east and the majestic Mt Kenya to the northeast.

The surrounding area is utilised for intensive small-scale subsistence farming growing maize, beans and potatoes. Most families rear a few dairy cows, goats and chickens too. The farmers also have small coffee, tea and avocado plantations as part of their agricultural activities.

Vunani has set up a sustainable integrated mixed small-scale farm with the following activities: 

  • Hass avocado and dragon fruit which is cross planted with cape gooseberry and African bird’s eye chilli.
  • A commercial seedling nursery to supply farmers with high quality certified seedlings with a capacity to produce 60,000 seedlings annually.
  • A commercial rabbitry that supplies high quality breeder stock, rabbit meat, manure and urine used as foliar/organic pesticide.
  • An integrated aquaculture farm with tilapia fish ponds whose nutrient rich waste water feeds the farm.
  • An apiary that supports pollination sustaining bio-diversity and improving environmental stability.
  • A training and demonstration centre to impart knowledge to the local community and lift the quality of Vunani outgrowers’ produce.